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January 2009 - Michigan to Brunswick Georgia

Tonight we are camping at an 'Escapees' Park (that is our RV Club's name, no jailbirds), in Knoxville Tennessee. Our first night south was in Cincinnati Ohio camping at the FMCA Headquarters, our usual first stop. We had dinner with our very good friends Jean and John Pike at our favorite restaurant and then hit the pillow for a 5 hour drive here.

We hiked the Avoca Rail Trail for 40 minutes this morning so that we could start the year off with exercise. we hope to keep it up.

Our saga with the tooth pics continues. Oh, I forgot you don't know about our saga. Well here goes. About 2 months ago I noticed that there was a tooth pick in the trap in the kitchen sink and thinking it was Tony's just thru it out. Well that went on for about a week and I didn't think much of it. I began to find not just one but several, 3 or 4 in the trap and on the sink. About 10 days ago I finally told Tony and he took the box of toothpicks out of the cupboard and duck taped them and hid them just in case I was a sleep walker...and still the toothpicks appear every day. Yesterday I had a feeling that it had come to an end, that was the last I would have seen of them, but guess what. When we returned from our hike on the trail, wahlah! there they were, one in the trap in the left sink, one on top of the sink and 2 in the right sink. It is driving me crazy. We have found no animal signs or droppings so I don't know....keep tuned.


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