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August 5th, I know, I know, I haven't posted lately

These Bikers have kept me so busy, with their gettings up at 5am and their pool parties and their house renovations, I have not had time to get my thoughts together.
 Tony is having the time of his life and enjoying every minute of it. Right now he is zonked out on the RV bed zzzzzzzing! They had a 110 mile day today from Americus Georgia to Hazelhurst. I followed along, they sang, they laughed, they ate and drank gallons of water. In the end they were one happy group when the contact at the United Methodist Church of Hazelhurst packed them all in the church van and took them for showers.
We ate at the local Chinese Buffet, yum! and they might have danced the night away but Tony and I (the ole folks) are tucked away for the night in the RV.
These kids are awesome. I say kids loosely. One in his 50's one in his 40's, the rest in their 20's or almost and then there is Tony my 61 year old kid.
Here are some pictures of the team, 8 biked all the way from San Diego to Savannah.
There is a video being made and maybe somehow we can get it on the blog. Please stay tuned....


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