Jonathan Reckford was very interested in what the Care-A-Vanner Program was all about.
He came and stayed for 2 days. What a gracious and charming man he is.
I want Bill Moriarty and Diane Gravlee in my club anytime.
Audrey Ussery ran a great fund raiser.
Here's our Team Leader, Leader Brenda with husband Kit, what a great
job she does.
Happy Anniversary to us, we are having a great time.
Thank goodness for Larry Tillotson, he saved me and my computer.
Janet & Less Thompson came in and had a great time. Thanks for the
goodbye hugs.
This is the crazy man from the affiliate, what a great leader.
Thanks Kelly for the placement of all these rigs, did a wonderful job.
Al, thanks for coming and your great smile.
Everyone should attend a house dedication.
That is what it is all about for the RVers.