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2009-12-24 I miss my kid...

I am posting this from my 'Habitat' computer so I don't have any pictures to show you, but check the date. It is Christmas Eve and we are in Mobile, Alabama sitting in the RV at Chicasabogue Park and its raining and 55 degrees and our RV is all decorated for Christmas thanks to my wonderful husband and I am missing my son Mike. For the past 35 years we have opened our presents on Christmas morning, the three of us. And for the past 40 years we have sung in the Choir for midnight mass at our church.
This year we decided to come south before our pipes froze. Our wonderful kid lives in Chicago and has someone and a family to be with at Christmas so we thought it would be okay if we headed south early. Well it is sort of okay, warmer....but I miss my kid...Only at this season do I miss my house all decorated, big tree, big kitchen, big parties. Come January 1st I'll come to my senses and be loving being on the road, but for today, for right now, I miss Mike.
The Gangs all here, Jay & Joyce Rush, Ray & Mary Kay Johnson, Ron & Jean Gratz, Mary & Dave Vandeveld and Sandy Mathewson and of course, Tony taking the picture and me, looking outstandingly horrible....


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