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January 8th - The TOOTHPICK Saga

Well, here goes. Like I said in part of the previous post, I thought that we had gotten to the end of the mysterious appearance of the toothpicks in the drain in the kitchen sink. But I was wrong. Today I found 15 toothpicks, at different times and places in and around the kitchen drain from no apparent cause. Tony and I are completely baffled. First he thought I sleep walked and planted them, but hid them and taped the box shut. Then we thought it was a critter but can't find any showing of that, no knawing or turds or spottings.

If anyone out there thinks they have the answer or possible answer to this riddle PLEASE let us know. And if you are reading my blog and are following it at all please sign up as a follower so I know who you are. Or at least make a comment on a day so I know your watching. And for pete sake if you can solve this let me know.

Here is a picture of our hike today...


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