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We're Home!

We are home to get out of the southern heat and guess what, it is 90 degrees today in beautiful downtown Berville/Allenton. I am sure it is over 100 degrees in beautiful downtown Quartzsite so I am glad we are home.

Tony's great brother & sister-in-law Mel and Jackie have once again allowed us to park on their beautiful 5 acres in St. Clair County about 40 miles north of the City (Detroit). This is the most beautiful place on earth in the summer. Everything is green and lush and Mel & Jackie have such a beautiful piece of property. They work like heck to preserve it like this but it is beautiful.

I have a place to do my walking, today I almost did myself in by not being hydrated enough before and during my 3 mile walk, got light headed.

As you know Tony will leave on June 14th for San Diego and the start of his epic adventure of biking across the USA for the Fuller Center for Housing. This bike ride will spread the awareness of the Fuller Center and what it is doing to eradicate poverty housing all across the country and the world. It was a perfect fit for Tony, thanks Millard and Ryan for thinking this one up. (Check out the link on the left to follow the route with them.)

I will stay home and enjoy some blissful time eating grapes and watching Oprah re-runs and join them as they enter Georgia so I can support them to the end and Tybee Island.

So enjoy the summer! I will add happenings as they 'happen'. Stay tuned.....


Kim Thomas said…
My adventure (though only a week) starts tomorrow, we are heading to Glacier NP.

Have a great summer.
Unknown said…
Have a great trip. Glacier is one of my favorites. Lots of deer. We had a chipmunk hole up in our RV there for three days till his mom called him home. Let us know how your adventure went.

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