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Showing posts from December, 2017

2017 And what a year it was

Wow, a lot has happened since May when i last posted.  Tony & I spent the summer at home at Mel's and had a very busy summer beginning in Cincy with Jean and Jon. Jean had looked so good that i asked her what she was doing.  I didn't know she had been losing weight with Weight Watchers and she looked fantastic.  So i asked her to take me along to her meeting on Saturday and i went and i signed up on the spot.  204.8#.  Well i have been higher like 207 in 2011 from sitting all day at the HFH desk. So my journey began that day and i am now 184.8, down 20 pounds.  I can't believe it but hopefully 25 pounds by May 6th and one more year to go to get to goal.  I found a WW in Richmond and started going to meetings right away and kept losing. In May we went to visit Bill and Molly and the kids Liam & Rhys in Twinsburg for the weekend, always great to see them.  The end of may for WTC anniversary of death we went to Madonna for mass and stayed to party. Doct